Quality without
lenghty speeches

Short audit


The main purpose of a financial audit is to confirm that your financial statements give a true and fair view of your company’s economic position. As experienced and independent auditors, we assess the company’s financial position and whether the company’s financial results are in compliance with Czech and international accounting principles.

In addition, a detailed audit gives us a good insight into your economic situation. We can point out any shortcomings and take your business a step further.


Accounting performed by us is not just debits/credits and the fulfillment of legal obligations. It is also a comprehensive consulting in the areas of finance, tax, reporting and setting up internal company processes, where we use close cooperation on the axis of accountant – tax advisor – auditor.

Short bill

professional audit,
Accounting & Tax

professional audit,
accounting & tax

We are a group of experts and professionals. We understand statutory, reporting or subsidy audits, as well as Czech accounting, IFRS, financial statements and tax. We have been through the hard drill in the so-called Big Four audit firms, so we have interesting and invaluable experience. We work fast, with quality, but at a price that won’t take your breath away.


We have experience from big audit firms such as EY, Deloitte or PwC. We’ve done hundreds of audits and we’d be happy to put our experience to work for you.



Our team includes statutory auditors, tax advisors, senior accountants and specialists in IFRS, US GAAP and auditors of reporting packages for foreign owners and groups.



We take a professional approach to all our clients. We will be happy to advise you and come up with the best possible solution. We’re here for you from the beginning to the end.

Human approach

We are professionals, but we maintain a human approach. We try to give you a helping hand in every situation and explain everything necessary.


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